CNN10 2023-01-18 CNN 10 U.S. Job Market Shows Signs Of Strength; A Look At How NFL Medical Teams Prepare For A Game Day Emergency; The Coldest City On Earth. Aired 4- 4:10a ET Aired January 18, 2023 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello, lovely people. Today is January 18th, National Thesaurus Day, and we are happy, merry, mirthful, elated, ecstatic, enthusiastic, geeked up, on cloud nine, and tickled pink to be part of your day for the best 10 minutes in news. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. We have an awesome show for you today, so let's get going. We start by getting caught up on what's happening in the economy, specifically the job market. This past year, rising inflation and high interest rates made some economists fearful of a potential recession which among other things would make it difficult for people to find jobs. But in 2022, the labor market held steady with the economy adding more new jobs than many people expected. But what about 2023. Let's take 10 to break it down by the numbers. In November, there were 10.46 million available jobs in the United States, and while that was slightly fewer than the 10.51 million jobs available in October, there were still 1.7 job openings for each job seeker. Also, the Great Resignation is not over. Americans quit 4.2 million jobs and that figure was 2.6 million prior to the pandemic. We'll hear now from CNN business anchor and chief business correspondent Christine Romans who's with us to contextualize all the hows and whys of the current job market, especially in its uh recent headlines of all the layoffs that are happening across so many industries. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: It seems like every day brings another round of layoff announcements, especially in tech. Amazon, Meta, Twitter, Salesforce, Lyft, all among the companies cutting jobs. Media companies are laying off workers, too. Even consumer giants like Walmart and Pepsi are reportedly trimming staff. At the same time, the overall job market though is in desperate need of workers. There are more than 10 million job openings in the United States, about 3 million more than before the pandemic. Weekly unemployment claims are low and hiring remains robust. So, what's really going on in the job market? High profile headlines about tech layoffs don't tell the whole story. The industry hired aggressively during the pandemic and now, it's scaling back. NELA RICHARDSON, CHIEF ECONOMIST, ADP RESEARCH INSTITUTE: It's important to note that tech is a very small percentage, 2 percent, of the overall labor market. So, tech is not a bellwether for the real economy or for the labor market. ROMANS: Other sectors like leisure and hospitality and healthcare are much bigger, and they're still adding jobs. Those companies want to hang on to their workers, not fire them. The question now is whether the job market can stay strong. The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates to slow the economy, as it tries to fight inflation, and the Fed chief himself admits that's going to cost jobs. JEROME POWELL, CHAIRMAN, FEDERAL RESERVE: There will be some softening in labor market conditions, and I wish there were a completely painless way to restore price stability. There isn't, and this is the best we can do. ROMANS: For Powell, slaying the inflation dragon is the priority even if it means losing jobs. The Fed predicts the unemployment rate will rise to 4.6 percent by the end of the year. (END VIDEOTAPE) WIRE: Up next, heroes don't always wear capes. We're getting a rare behind-the-scenes look into health and safety measures that recently saved an NFL player's life. Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills suffered cardiac arrest in the middle of a game two weeks ago. And within seconds, medical professionals, heroes were at his side. Our Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes us to meet the NFL's chief medical officer for a detailed look at all the precautions taken, all the product protocols that are in place to protect players in America's most popular sport. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Dr. Allen Sills is the chief medical officer of the NFL. He's giving me a sideline view of the preparedness that goes into every game day. And once you see this, you'll probably never watch a game the same way again. You may have missed this pop-up blue tent. It's on every sideline. DR. ALLEN SILLS, CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER, NFL: It's like a medical exam room. We've kind of made this a medical space, even in the middle of a very busy stadium. It's just so much easier to do things in here because like I said, everybody is just more relaxed. You don't have the cameras. You don't have the fans. GUPTA: Or this, the injury review screen. SILLS: So, we can be down here on the sideline and the spotter's booth, if they've seen an injury video, they'll queue it up for us, put on the video exactly what we need to see. We can talk to them. GUPTA: The spotter's booth, they are the eyes in the sky. Hey. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Welcome, welcome. GUPTA: Thank you. SILLS: This is another part of our game day medical preparations. The real goal of this booth is to help spot any injuries or illnesses on the field. It can be hard to see the whole field from down there. GUPTA: Right. SILLS: Probably, to me, one of the most unique things in sports is the spotter can directly communicate down to the referee. These people can stop the game. SUE STANLEY-GREEN, CERTIFIED ATHLETIC TRAINER SPOTTER: So, we watch every -- every play, probably minimally four times, and then we'll go back and watch it again. And so, you know, we just want to make sure we don't miss anything. SILLS: It's always about the right people, the right plan and the right equipment. We have almost 30 medical professionals and everyone has a job to do. GUPTA: ER doctors, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, paramedics, X-ray techs and air-way specialists, like Dr. Justin Deaton. DR. JUSTIN DEATON, NFL AIRWAY MANAGEMENT PHYSICIAN: So, this is the bag that I carry, and it's got a number of things that we could use. The first thing is a portable video laryngoscope. We have a portable ultrasound machine that we can use, and we also have the ability to perform surgical airways. I really have all the resources available here that I would have in an emergency room. GUPTA: What's the biggest challenge of that scenario versus being in an emergency room? DEATON: Well, the biggest challenge is the external environment and the chaos of the situation. When you have a larger than average size person that's lying flat on the ground and not able to be elevated to a certain level with extra equipment, plus cameras and other people around, those are really the things that make -- make it more difficult to manage. GUPTA: How does everyone know you're the guy in charge? DEATON: I wear a red hat on the sideline. But that signifies me as the emergency physician, the airway physician, so even the other team knows when I come out what my role is. DR. KEVIN KAPLAN, HEAD TEAM PHYSICIAN, JAGUARS: If a player needs to get taken off of the field, the ambulance is going to be in the tunnel to your right. If you need anything at all, we'll be out there for you guys if you need us. Otherwise, I hope we have a safe and healthy game. Good luck. GUPTA: Keep in mind, the medical team was able to get to Damar Hamlin within ten seconds. And speed really matters here. Every additional minute that someone in cardiac arrest goes without CPR, mortality goes up by up to 10 percent. SILLS: This is a process that's in place for every single game and we train in the offseason, and just like the players train and practice, we do as well. So, I have tremendous confidence, but you always want to see a game with no injuries, and you want everyone to, frankly, be bored on the medical side. That's a good game from my standpoint. GUPTA: I hear you. (END VIDEOTAPE) WIRE: Ten-second trivia: Yakutsk, widely considered the coldest city on the planet, is located in what country? Canada, Russia, Norway or Mongolia? Located in the Russian province of Siberia, temperatures in Yakutsk have reached minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit this week. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANASTASIA GRUZDEVA, LOCAL RESIDENT (translated): I have two mittens, two scarves. Warm shoes is a must. And you need to cover your head. SUBTITLE: The temperature in Yakutsk, Siberia has dropped to -50 degrees Celsius. Residents of the city, known as one of the coldest on Earth, shared how they're managing the frost. GRUZDEVA: Also, warm trousers, because the biggest heat loss is in the leg area. If your legs are cold, you are cold. REPORTER (translated): Apart from dressing up warm, any other life hacks? NURGUSUN STAROSTINA, FISH SELLER (translated): No, just dress warmly, in layers. Like a cabbage. ALYONA ZAITSEVA, FISH SELLER (translated): We are freezing. But thanks to the customers we are on the move, so we warm up this way. TRANSLATED: The mining city in Russia's Far East is experiencing an abnormally long cold snap but temperatures regularly drop below minus 40. (END VIDEOTAPE) WIRE: And for today's 10 out of 10 story, we're taking a trip to Wisconsin's highway 35 to meet Jeffrey the giant snowman. And Jeffrey's snow joke. He's 58 feet tall. That's more than four stories high. Drivers there are trying to keep their cool but Jeffrey freezes traffic to a halt with tons of people coming from hours away to get a glimpse and to take selfies with them -- an incredible feat by Craig Carlson and his two sons Beau and Hunter. They named Jeffrey the snowman after a loved one that passed away. Now that just melts my heart. All right. You already know what time it is. West Milwaukee Intermediate School in Milwaukee Wisconsin, we see you. Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN YouTube channel. Before we go, it's #YourWordWednesday. So put your challenge word in the comment section of my most recent post @CoyWire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok, and we're going to choose one fun word to work into tomorrow's show. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. END